My favorite homemade cleaner so far is the laundry detergent. It's probably saved me the most money. (I do about three to four loads a day.) Our clothes are just as clean, and stains come out better than with the All Free and Clear I used to buy.
Laundry Detergent Recipe
One bar soap (such as Ivory), grated to powder
One cup Borax
One cup Washing Soda
Mix together. Use one TBSP per load.
Window and Glass Cleaner
Mix equal parts vinegar and water.
(If that sounds too easy, add a bit of rubbing alcohol. Makes the surfaces dry faster.)
Bathroom and Kitchen Counter Cleaner
See above.
Toilet Bowl Cleaner
See above.
Hardwood Floor Cleaner
Yep. See above.
Basic Tub and Tile Cleaner
1 2/3 cup baking soda
1/2 cup liquid soap
1/2 cup water
2 TBSP vinegar
Mix well.
Basic Mildew scrub
1/4 cup vinegar
1/4 Borax
1 cup warm water
Shake well.
Furniture polish
Varnished: 1/2 cup warm water, add few drops lemon juice
Unvarnished wood: 2 tsp olive oil, 2 tsp lemon juice
Apply with soft cotton cloth.
Natural Drain Cleaner
1/2 cup baking soda- pour first
1/2 cup vinegar- pour second
follow with 2 quarts hot water
(I've not tried the drain cleaner myself. I will when the time comes though. Store bought drain cleaner is one of the most toxic products found on the market.)
I couldn't find a spray bottle that worked well. I have an old Mop n Glow squeeze bottle that I've been using for homemade floor cleaner over the past several months. It's the same combination of vinegar, water, and rubbing alcohol that I use to clean pretty much everything else in the house now- so I just don't bother with a spray bottle.
It took a little getting used to on the first day- but I promise- my house is just as clean as before. I've saved gobs of money. It's been completely worth it.
On another note: I was reading old blog posts earlier this evening, and couldn't stop smiling. I decided that I need to blog more about my kids. I've been through a lot of struggles over the past two years dealing with Lydia's health, and while I'm glad I have this blog for therapeutic writing, I've strayed from the reason I started this blog nearly three years ago. I'm going to try to write more about the cute things my kids say, the fun things we do as a family, and talk about why I love being their mommy. I'm sure I'll still talk about food allergies and organic food- that's a big part of what I like to talk about- but I want to bring the focus back to where it was from the beginning. My cute babies- Brooke, Madeline, Isaac, and Lydia.