Saturday, January 21, 2012


I decided this week that I like fondant. I enjoy making cakes, but with no formal training or experience, I feel pretty limited in what I can do. I have wanted to try fondant for awhile though, and finally mustered up the courage for Lydia's second birthday party. I use the word "party" pretty loosely, because I didn't do much decorating, and there weren't any party games or favors. The theme was owls, because Lydia is pretty much infatuated with them right now. Her face lights up anytime she sees one. She especially loved the owl cake I made, which made the hours in the kitchen so very worth it. My first attempt is definitely not perfect, but it gave me the confidence to keep trying. Next time I plan to buy actual equipment for cake making- my first purchase will be a cake leveler.  

I know it isn't the best picture, but I wanted to throw this in here- these are the plates and napkins that I stamped- I couldn't find something I liked, and this was an easy (and cheap) solution. 

She didn't want the cake- just the fondant. I know fondant has a bad rap for tasting terrible, but this marshmallow fondant was amazing. So yummy. Friends on facebook gave me the recipe to make it myself, and tips on how to work with it. It was so much fun creating this cake- why was I so afraid of fondant?

Happy second birthday baby girl!! 
Oh- and our great friends from out of town drove up to see us- and yet we took not a single picture of us together. Boo. Maybe next time. She has a great blog if you want to check it out- Three Boys and a Girl. Thanks for coming guys!!


  1. WOW! If you can do that without any training, I can't imagine how amazing it would look had you had trainning. That was awesome. I am glad your first try went so well. Happy Birthday to Miss Lydia!!!

  2. The cake was super cute and I'm so thankful we got to spend the day with your family. We really miss you guys. Happy 2nd Birthday Lydia!
