Monday, April 21, 2014

Chapter 7: Plants (In the Dead of Winter!)

In real time (not "neglecting the blog" time) we are nearing the end of the school year. Our portfolio review is next week, so I've been working on pulling everything together. I'm including the blog posts about school in the portfolio, so I'm playing catch up. For chapter 7 of Weaver's Volume One, we covered plants. It was the dead of winter, so most of the information came from library books, but we were able to do some hands on activities inside. 

I found seeds from seed packets and my spice cabinet, then organized them inside an egg carton to see what the kids could identify. 

They then created their own seed charts.

I dug up old mums from my planters outside so we could examine the roots.

They love using the microscope.

Daddy helped teach science that night.

Roots close up!


There were lots of other activities that we'll be able to do in the next couple weeks when we plant our garden, and spend more time outside. It was a looooooong winter, but spring is finally here! 

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