Saturday, April 10, 2010

Pregnancy Warning

Warning: pregnancy brings out the worst in people. No, I'm not speaking about the pregnant mother. I'm referring to random strangers who feel the need to grope your belly, tell you horrific childbirth stories, and ask you whether you plan to use the milk in your breasts after delivery. This will happen from the moment you start to pooch out that adorable little belly of yours. So to help prepare new pregnant mothers navigating this occasionally awkward phase in life, here's a list of the top most rude comments I've ever received (and after four pregnancies I'm becoming somewhat of an expert.)

1."Are you having twins?" (No.) After looking me up and down a couple times- "Are you sure?" (Yes I'm sure, but thanks for letting me know how huge you really think I am.)

2. "How far along are you?" (30 weeks.) "Really? My daughter is due in a couple weeks and she is so much smaller than you!!" (Again, thanks for telling me I look like an elephant.)

3. After emerging from a bathroom stall at 24 weeks pregnant: "How did you fit in there??" (And yes, she was dead serious.)

4. "Are you planning to breastfeed?" From a friend: normal. From a complete stranger: yeah, a little wierd.

5. From a man behind me in a checkout line: "Pregnant women are so beautiful." (Hello, nice manager? Could you please escort me to my car? Thank you.)

6. "You're pregnant? Well let me tell you the bloody gorry details of when my own child was painfully ripped from my body while I lay there wailing and gnashing my teeth."

7. After observing my very pregnant self and my three other children with me: "You're having ANOTHER one?! Are you finally finished after this one?" This one was spoken aloud to me a few times, but on many other occasions I could see it just by the look in their eyes.

8. During my third pregnancy, due with my first boy: "Finally got your boy, huh? Guess you're finally done after this?" (Yep, we failed the first couple times, but we finally got a winner!! Where are we, China??)

9. Strangers rubbing my belly. This inevitably happens to every pregnant mother. I've always wanted to reach out and touch their belly as well, but never had the guts. Maybe one of you pregnant ladies reading this will decide to and tell me about it. That would make my day.

10. "Are all these kids yours? And you're having another? You know how this happens, right?" Ok, this one is a little cute, but after hearing it about 300 times, it starts to lose its funny.

So, what's the rudest comment you've ever had said to you during pregnancy?
Pictures courtesy of Heidi Mitchell Photography


  1. Okay. So I'm thinking back on all of the conversations we've had and I'm hoping with everything in me that I was never guilty of saying #7 to you. And if I did, hopefully you had the good sense to know that I'm a dork. Seriously. If I did and you were offended, I apologize. You're a great mommy and handle the four of those sweet babies beautifully. And yeah, I'm tickled that it's you and not me. =)

    Oh, and as for the rudest comment... McDaddy asked if I'd like for him to rub my cankles... That's a cross between the calf and the ankle. He was kidding. But still.

    Oh, and you should link this post to my blog on Tuesday for What I Learned This Week. Some good lessons learned....

  2. I remember the day #3 happened....I still can't believe she said that to you! You have had quite the experiences Michelle. I have had the rubbing tummy thing and last night a stranger asked me if I was done having babies because I have a boy and girl so therefore I have a perfect family and why would I ruin it with more...but nothing was really said to me when I was pregnant that I can remember. You are a trooper and your children are adorable!
    Diane Furtney

  3. Ok, I really need to stop commenting on every single thing you post, but I find myself unable to resist...yet again. Pregnancy stories do that to me.
    My favorite was a lady asking me if she could rub my belly for good luck bc she was going gambling in a casino. I let her bc she was already doing it while she was asking but asked her to split the winnings with me. Never heard from her again.
    And, I received cat calls from several guys while I was about to give birth to my 2nd child and had my 1 yr old with me. I looked around in shock, but they were actually referring to me. I still don't get the whole "pregnant women are hot" thing.
    Ok, next thing you post - I am staying away from the comment section. I think.

  4. I stil can't believe #3! Best.story.ever.

  5. Very cute Blog Michelle and very accurate. People should think before speaking...that whole thing about God giving us two ears and one mouth. The worst ever...the response to my pregnancy with Miss Hannah..."Oh Chas, I'm sorry!"

  6. One other I should have added. When I had my first prenatal appt for Isaac, the nurse asked me, "are you going to keep it?"
    I almost jumped out of the chair when I yelled, "OF COURSE I AM!!"

  7. Cute post!
    I was 38 weeks pregnant and @ our churches Ladies Retreat and there were many ladies there that I didn't know. We played a "getting to know one another" game. They lady who got my card said, " I don't know Corie", so another lady shouted out..."she is the little FAT girl in the front!"

  8. People lose all their manners when they see a pregnant woman. Here are some of my favorites:

    1. (While looking around at the men sitting at my table at McDonald's)
    "Do you know who the baby's daddy is?"
    Ummm, my husband.

    2. "Oh when is your due date? You look like you're ready to pop. You are due any day now right?"
    Nope. Still have 6 weeks.

    3. "You've really blown up"

  9. I personally like the time when an old man asked me if I was "smuggling a watermelon." At least it was differnt than all the, "aren't you past due yet?" comments.

  10. Me: probably the worst was after meeting a lady for the first time... she began asking...
    "how far along are you?" My answer: 29weeks.
    "Are you having twins? Nope. We're expecting one girl...we're exciting.
    "Do you exercise?"
    Why people think that they have the right to ask that question is beyond me! Or why people think pregnant woman should be skinny is beyond me too! I just said... "My doctor says that both me and baby are just perfect... plus I haven't even gained 10lbs!" (My husband said he was glad I answered because he was about to put her in her place... probably not the best since he is her pastor! *smile*)

    Funniest/ weirdest:
    As a woman was talking to me after church a deacon, older gentlemen walked up to me and said, "oh! do you need a maternity bathing suit? Cuz I think my wife still has the one that was given to her when she was pregnant."
    THERE WAS SNOW ON THE GROUND!!!! Can't even fathom what crossed his mind to come up with this comment! (o:

  11. This one is from my sister, Melissa:
    At a Christmas party during the Chinese git exchange a man come to me & says "I'll trade you my dartboard for your unborn child that way my girlfriend won't have to get fat like you."

  12. Oh yea! Thought of one more!

    My sisters brother-in-law, seeing me for the first time pregnant at 28 weeks... I walk into the house and he says, "WHOA!"
    I looked at him... and said, "I'm only going to let you get by with that because you are kinda family!"
    It was kinda cute!

  13. One person said, "Are you going to keep it?" I was SHOCKED -- so shocked that I blurted out, "WHAT! MURDER MY BABY!!! ARE YOU FOR REAL?!"
    We got this MANY times walking or playing on the beach each year for many years: "Are they all yours?" I came really close to getting a shirt printed with "Yes, they are all ours. We are blessed beyond measure!" (I wish I had. :)
    Frequently: "Have you figured out what causes that?" Nah - it just happens!
    Sometimes: "Are you Catholic?" Not even.
